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In September 2009, TFCG initiated a partnership project that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and degradation in Tanzania in ways that provide direct and equitable incentives to communities to conserve and manage forests sustainably.
Rationale for the projectTanzania has been a world leader in the development of participatory forest management. In Tanzania, forests under participatory forest management are generally better managed with lower rates of deforestation and forest degradation. Forests are better managed when the women and men who live around them, are involved in their management. In order for participatory forest management to be sustainable and equitable, tangible benefits need to accrue directly to the communities that are managing them. In reducing emissions of green house gases from deforestation and forest degradation communities are providing a valuable service to the global community. REDD offers an opportunity for communities to be recompensed for that service. The aim of this project is to demonstrate how this can be done in an equitable, effective and efficient way. Establishing a Community Carbon EnterpriseThe project will support MJUMITA the Tanzania Community Forest Conservation Network to aggregate voluntary emission reductions from its members and sell them according to internationally recognised standards. The project includes an evaluation and communication component designed to capture the lessons learnt in order to inform project implementation and share them with the national and international community. The project also focuses on building in-country capacity with regards to REDD at both local and national governmental levels. This is linked with a strategic advocacy component aimed at forging a smooth path for REDD in Tanzania by engaging in the formulation of the national REDD strategy and processes at national and international level. WhereThe project will be implemented in Kilosa and Lindi rural Districts in Tanzania. Lindi Rural District is in coastal Tanzania and includes parts of the Eastern African coastal forest biodiversity hotspot. Kilosa District is in the Eastern Arc Mountains, part of the Eastern Afromontane biodiversity hotspot. The project is a five year project which was launched in September 2009. The project is financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Norway. CCB Project Design Documents – For Public Comment from May 27 through June 26, 2014The project Making REDD work for communities and forest conservation has supported MJUMITA to prepare CCB and VCS project design documents and project implementation reports. The CCB Project Design Document and 1st Implementation Report are now available for public comment. CCB Project DetailsProject Proponent: MJUMITA (the authorized communication agent on behalf of the 10 project proponent villages) Contact: Theron Morgan-Brown, theronmb@gmail.com +255765980601 Auditor Contact Details: Francis Eaton FEaton@scsglobalservices.com +1.510.452.9099 Expected dates of the Auditor’s site visit: 15 – 22 June, 2014 • Region, Country Lindi District, Tanzania • CCB Status Undergoing Validation & Verification • CCB Auditor/Certifier SCS Project Documents for download1st Project Implementation Report (Swahili Summary) 1st Project Implementation Report Project Design Document (Swahili Summary) To submit your comments, please go to: http://www.climate-standards.org/2014/05/08/mjumita-community-forest-project-lindi/ Reports and publicationsSunderlin, W.D. E.O, Sills, A.E. Duchelle, A D. Ekaputri, D. Kweka, M.A. Foniolo, S. Ball, N. doggart, C.D. Pratama, J.T. padilla, A. Enright and R.M. Otsyina, 2015. REDD+ at a critical juncture: assessing the limits of polycentric governance for achieving climate change mitigation. International Forestry Review Doggart, N., M. Mwangoka, R. Gereau, E. Lyimo and A. Perkin (2013). The Biodiversity and forest condition of forests on village land in Lindi Rural District. TFCG Technical Report 40. DSM, Tz. 1 – 93. Mwampamba, T. 2012. Social Impact Assessment of the Kilosa REDD+ Pilot Project. TFCG Technical Report 29. Pp 1 – 109. 5.7 MB Mwampamba, T. 2011. Social Impact Assessment of the Lindi REDD Project.TFCG Technical Report 28. DSM, Tz. 1 – 108. 6.5 MB TNRF 2012. Working Together for Learning and Action: Shared Experiences of the Tanzania REDD+ Pilot Projects. TFCG 2012. Building a Village Company to improve community based forest management in the context of REDD. 3.2 MB Campese, J. 2012. Equitable Benefit Sharing: Exploring Experiences and Lessons for REDD+ in Tanzania. Pp 1- 39. Dar es Salaam. 2.5 MB Deloitte. 2012. Mid-term Review Report of Nine NGO REDD+ Pilot Projects in Tanzania – Higher-Level Overview of NGO REDD+ Portfolio. Pp. 1 – 23. 0.6 MB Deloitte 2012. Mid Mid-term Review Report of Nine NGO REDD+ Pilot Projects in Tanzania – Tanzania Forest Conservation Group (TFCG) – “Making-REDD-work-for-Communities-and-Forest-Conservation-in-Tanzania”. Pp. 1 – 19. 0.6 MB TFCG and MJUMITA 2011. Guidelines on the implementation of REDD at community level in Tanzania. TFCG Technical Report 34. TFCG 2011. Training Manual – English. Participatory Forest Management and Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD): Village Level Training Events in Tanzania. TFCG Technical Report 30. TFCG 2011 Training Manual – Swahili. Participatory Forest Management and Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD): Village Level Training Events in Tanzania. TFCG Technical Report 30. Campese, J. 2011. Gender and REDD+ in Tanzania: An overview of key issues. pp. 1 – 50. Kimbowa, R., D. Mwayafu, R. Njaidi 2011. Benefit sharing to make REDD+ work for communities and forest conservation in Tanzania: The community carbon enterprise (cce) model. REDD Net Case Study. Forrester-Kibuga, K., N. Nguya, H. Chikira, B. Luwuge and N. Doggart 2011. Integrating the principles of free, prior and informed consent in the establishment of REDD: a case study from Tanzania. TFCG Technical Report 27. Pp 1 – 93. Dar es Salaam. MJUMITA and TFCG 2011. Policy Brief: a one-step guide to making the National REDD strategy more pro-poor. MJUMITA and TFCG 2011. Policy Brief: 5 steps to get REDD right(s). MJUMITA and TFCG 2011. Information Brief: Understanding international REDD standards in the context of Tanzanian policies and laws. Campese, J. 2011. Integrating REDD+ Social and Environmental Safeguards and Standards in Tanzania. TFCG Technical Report 32. Pp 1 – 65. Dar es Salaam. Philips, M. and N. Doggart 2011. Genetically Modified Organisms: a rapid review of the prevalence of GMOs and of relevant laws, policies and convention in the context of REDD in Tanzania. TFCG and MJUMITA 2011. Policy on the use of Genetically Modified Organisms in relation to the implementation of the project ‘Making REDD work for communities and forest conservation in Tanzania’. MJUMITA and TFCG 2011. Policy Brief: Why individual payments are the best option for REDD +. East and Southern Africa Katoomba Group 2010. Review of criteria for selecting sites for the TFCG / MJUMITA project ‘Making REDD work for communities and forest conservation in Tanzania’. Site selection report 1. TFCG. Pdf 276 kb East and Southern Africa Katoomba Group 2010. Application of criteria for selecting four districts with the highest potential for the MJUMITA / TFCG project ‘Making REDD work for communities and forest conservation in Tanzania’. Site selection report 2. TFCG. Pdf 319 kb East and Southern Africa Katoomba Group 2010.Characterisation of high ranking districts for the MJUMITA / TFCG REDD project. Site selection report 3. TFCG. East and Southern Africa Katoomba Group 2010. Selection of the two districts for the MJUMITA / TFCG REDD project.Site selection report 4. TFCG. 605 kb TFCG 2010. MJUMITA REDD project leaflet. Tanzania Natural Resources Forum 2010. Options for REDD in Tanzania: key design issues for the National REDD strategy. TFWG Information Brief 2. Forrester-Kibuga, K. and B. Samweli 2010. Analysis of the drivers of deforestation and stakeholders in the Lindi project site. TFCG Technical Report 26. Forrester-Kibuga, K. and B. Samweli 2010. Analysis of the drivers of deforestation and stakeholders in the Kilosa project site. TFCG Technical Report 27. TFCG 2009. TFCG / MJUMITA REDD Project leaflet Tanzania Natural Resources Forum 2009. Recommendations for the National Strategy on Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD). TFWG Information Brief, 2009. Reports on project progressTFCG 2012. TFCG and MJUMITA REDD Project Progress Summary September 2009 – August 2014. TFCG 2012. TFCG and MJUMITA REDD Project Progress Summary March – August 2012. TFCG 2012. TFCG and MJUMITA REDD Project Progress Summary September 2011 – February 2012. TFCG 2011. TFCG and MJUMITA REDD Project Progress Summary September 2010 – February 2011. TFCG 2011. TFCG and MJUMITA REDD Project Progress Summary March – August 2011. TZ REDD NewsletterTZ REDD Newsletter #3. TZ REDD Newsletter #4. TZ REDD Newsletter #5. TZ REDD Newsletter #6. TZ REDD Newsletter #7. TZ REDD Newsletter #8. TZ REDD Newsletter #9. TZ REDD Newsletter #10. Posters and LeafletsTFCG and MJUMITA 2012. Wanyama wanaopatikana kwenye Misitu ya Rubeho na Ukaguru. TFCG and MJUMITA 2012. Mimea na wanyama kutoka misitu ya ukanda wa pwani wa Lindi. TFCG and MJUMITA 2011. MKUHUMI katika Kilosa. TFCG and MJUMITA 2011. MKUHUMI katika Lindi. TFCG and MJUMITA 2011. Leaflet about the project ‘Making REDD work for communities and forest conservation in Tanzania’. TFCG and MJUMITA 2011. Kuhusu mradi ya MKUHUMI kwa ajili ya jamii na uhifadhi wa misitu. TFCG and MJUMITA 2011. Poster Presentation at 2011 SCB and ATBC Meeting on the project ‘Making REDD work for communities and forest conservation in Tanzania’. TNRF 2010. Maelezo kuhusu MKUHUMI. Dar es Salaam. |